Along with the drastic drop in USA unemployment numbers from 6.7% to 6.3%, comes many questions on how we came to the number since there is still continued consumer dissatisfaction. GOP would love to take credit in that saying without the unemployment insurance extension people were forced to go out and look for jobs. Unfortunately this clearly does not add up. In the same period that 288,000 jobs were created the 0.4% drop in the unemployment number is approximately 733,000.
Some economist explain the difference in numbers by accounting for discouraged job seekers, others state it is a drop in new people entering the job market. Which ever way you choose to look at it behind the numbers are real people with real problems. Congress will have long winding discussions on the statistics behind the decline - juggling whose needs are more worthy of their attention. Whatever path Congress chooses to take or not take, there remains an unacceptable number of Americans without the appropriate means to provide for themselves and their families.
What is the next step? Since many would have already signed up for all the regular supplements to lost income one wonders what viable options remain.. What additional life changes does one now need to make? I hear in conversation how many move in with family as they make their initial lifestyle changes after losing their jobs. The unemployment insurance is only a fraction of income one would have been receiving. There are serious and lasting psychological ramifications that are silently endured by many.
The job training programs that are being run are obviously not effective if no tangible results are achieved. Whether it is individuals feeling too old to go through the much needed career change or it the young new entrants into the job market that lack the required training for our changing economy it is clear more urgent and effective policies are needed instead of the unending and clearly unfruitful debates.
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